Pretty hyped on this design project. Designed these two labels for Collaboration Fest in Denver, 2024. The collaboration was between Knotted Root Brewing and Over Yonder Brewing in Golden. Same design, presented two different ways to represent the two beers. This started as a simple water color design with a small painting of the phonograph, expanded with the mighty Photoshop. 🙂

Client: Nederland Farmer’s Market. Poster and promotional design and art direction for the final event of the season – the Harvest Fest. Two different colorways. Print versions in two sizes, web versions in three sizes. Love this project.

One of several design concepts for this year’s Trick Ditch. Though it didn’t get the green light this season, it is going into the vault as potential for next year’s contest. I liked it so much, I just had to share it here. Retro retro retro!

Pretty great seeing this design we did over the summer come to life in the form of a ski and snowboard pass you can actually hold in your hands. 🙂 Eldora is celebrating their 60th season this year. Amazing. In an age when the vast majority of our work is only ever consumed on a screen, it’s pretty great to hold a design in your hand. Designing things for print – my oldest profession!

Here’s our design for our home town of Nederland, Colorado. These are available on t-shirts and bags at the visitor center in downtown Ned. Fun little project. I love designing icons! -ETK

Our first beer label! Super stoked to design and produce this one for a local brewery here in Colorado, Busey Brews. For a 22 oz. bomber. Label version printed on silver foil label material, this image is meant to represent the foil. Tasty beer too I might add!

One of my favorite graphic design projects for Eldora. From the 2020 season. Live DJ’s up on the summit in the Lookout Lodge and at the base area in Timbers bar. This was an amazing season and a successful, fun campaign.